Fund trading port added to the JST-Serpens application

Last Updated: 2023-03-09

On March 9, 2023, the fund trading port will be added to the JST-Serpens application and the number of funds under management will be continuously updated, with the number of funds under management projected to reach 50 and fund size to reach $300 billion in 2025.Jane Street will continue to employ a large number of programmers and quantitative analysts to continue to optimize its data analytics and mathematical models for market trend mastery. market trends, continue to accelerate the efficiency of quantitative trading and implement high-frequency trading strategies, and continue to ensure that annualized, monthly and daily returns increase to provide more and wider opportunities and profit margins for both internal and external partners.

In the fund port of the JST-Serpens application, "Universal Agent" has been opened, so that part of the company's income can be decentralized to fund investors, giving fund investors more benefits and income while promoting Jane Street's fund management goals and income achievement.